Yes, its true. Less than 3 weeks (by one day!) and we're totally terrified. And happy. Jess got to Katy's house in Austin, TX last night for a week of preparing together. We compared our backpacks and realized that we each have the wrong pack ... so thats great. Or maybe we both have the right pack, or we each have a variation of the same thing which is ultimately correct ...?? and thus begins the ambiguity and uncertainty. BRING IT.
ps. fox talking to you on the phone is insufficient as clearly we need you. book a flight. quick!
Jess, color me floored. What an amazing adventure you have planned. I can't believe that same kid who used to argue with me about taking baths ("okay, but no hair-washing, right?") and to whom I must have read "Goodnight Moon" about six zillion times, is about to embark on WORLDWIDE DOMINATION (you have to say that in all caps, I mean c'mon). I am officially old. Good for you, we're all going to live vicariously through you. And if for one second you think WORLDWIDE DOMINATION doesn't include a brief stop in South Florida (girls, get yourselves to South Beach!), I will be sorely disappointed in you. You'll always have a floor to crash on at my house (Sophie is DYING to meet you). And speaking of which, keep in mind that if you need contacts in Mexico or most of Central and South America, we can hook you up there too. Don't forget the little people while you're Jack Kerouac-ing, you can check in on us on the babycav blog. Good luck, stay safe, and enjoy traveling the way I do: eating your way through each and every country. No better way to experience culture, I think. Ciao bella!
If neither of you has the right pack, how do you know you have the wrong pack? I'm intrigued. And totally fuckin' inspired. I am waiting on jobs and getting pulled to the NYC, and wondering what my life is all about. I am finding myself on a journey even though I am going nowhere fast.
Love to J, K and L
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