It's true! We have found a computer that has given itself to us free of charge and with no further adieu we bring you New Zealand! To begin, the colors are incredible...maybe it is the hole in the ozone, but I have never seen greens so green and blues so blue. This became very evident when we were on the Bax Family dairy farm (the setting for the Shire in Lord of the Rings...I really will try to stop the references)

view from the Baxes' backyard

with the wonderful Bax Family eating pumpkin pie on it's New Zealand debut

Katy the farm hand

Mount Doom looming over an other-worldly/post-apocalyptic landscape

The Emerald Lakes at the Alpine Crossing in Tongariro National Park

Jess in the clouds, literally, scrambling down a summit

Hydrangeas are no exception in New Zealand, the biggest and most brilliant colors...ever!

Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel, it was decent, whatever...
a big heaving sigh.
Laura Adora and company- you are wonderful to include photos. It looks like you are having a great time. I hope you are writing it all down...I feel a book in the making...Love all around and know you are all missed by those of us lucky enough to love you, Pam
Ladies, how exquisite New Zealand looks! Katy Jane, nice jumpsuit and boots -- you are stylin'! The Bax family and their house look very nice. More saints on earth taking care of you angels ...
Happy Birthday, KJT!
Mama/Suze xoxo
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