As seen in the last post, Jess came to visit me in Texas this past week. We did a lot of list making, trouble shooting, stressing/crying in inappropriate places, and adventure gear shopping. We also watched some cinematic gems, including Hugh Grant's stunning performance in About a Boy. Let me assure you - it was life changing! Also life changing, I filled up my backpack with a test run of the clothes I'm planning to bring and strapped it on and really looked like a for real traveler. Jess and I got all excited, jumped up and down and then promptly got really anxious. We also ate a TON of cheese and made some giant cookies. Good times...
I think the conceptual highlight (well, maybe most considered and perhaps belabored issue) of the week will be the focus of this post. It came to our attention this week that we, Jess, Fox, and I, are not totally invincible 20-somethings with stomachs of steel and super intestines to enable us utter gastric safety during the course of our travels in developing countries. The issue of water purification became paramount. After much internet research and discussion with the dudes at REI, Jess and I decided to forgo both filtration and chemical sterilization (we though bulk, bad taste, and the need for extra filters were all cons). We decided on a UV water purifier called the SteriPen, here after known as "the Light Saber," this little UV light gadget that you stick in any clearish water and turn on. In 90 seconds, it zaps all the creepy crawlies and then you can drink it and it works wonders.
Sounds like magic, huh? Too good to be true? In spite of our recent mortal revelations, Jess and I could not quash our ideas of invincibility and decided to temp a) fate, b) the warranty of our Light Saber, and c) our own constitution by promptly deciding to zap and drink a liter of purified lake water. The pictures and a video follow:

Here is Jess's newly purchased water bottle... and the lake.
This is my newly purchase water bottle (notice how they match..cute!) freshly filled with lake water (see the lake?). Note my feet in the water. And the dock. And the lovely tinge of the LAKE WATER we're about to consume... In addition to the fish that poop in this lake, my mom and her triathlete friends train/sweat/spit in it on a daily basis. YUM!
After an interlude in which we couldn't find any batteries AND learned of the potential stock market crash, Jess and I can finally use the Light Saber. Here, Jess is looking skeptical and/or idealistic.
And here is the video of Jess making ME drink the water.
So, it tasted like lake water. It made Jess's teeth feel gross. It made my stomach all gurgly. I don't think, however, that I have contracted giardia. After this video, we tried very diligently to drink the rest of the water as we ate dinner, but ultimately decided that we didn't want to (not that we couldn't...). So we dumped that shit out and then drank some wine.
All in all, I think we're both pretty satisfied with the Light Saber. No sickness yet, so cross your fingers. 14 days until we land in Rio de Janeiro and so much to attend to!
More soon,
my dad aka "man of very few words" sternly told me a few weeks ago to tell you to buy a light saber for the water. He said he used his all the time while hiking.
I promptly forgot as I usually do when told to do something.
I have added the link to my favorites and will follow you through your adventures. However, from this day forward, I will not acknowledge that you are leaving me for a year. I will simply tell myself that the reason you never go out with me anymore is because you are just too busy. You can call it denial. I will not.
Oh you have to take lots of videos! That was too cute. Aw shucks... 10 DAYS!!!
I need to check out your itinerary
you guys are hysterical.
if this doesn't win a pulitzer, you haven't taken long enough traveling and you should keep on. there are too many amazing things on this earth to see and live and be than you can possibly do in one year. jess, i love you babe. i saw a previous comment citing WORLD DOMINATION! and it couldn't be more true! i'll be putting the subliminal messages in people's big macs here at home and reading your blogs religiously while you're gone! write a LOT so i can see through your eyes all these places i can't be! health, happiness, and safety to the three of you ladies. and speaking of light sabers... "the force is strong in you young skywalker, but you are not a jedi yet," although i'm sure all three of you will be upon your return =) haha. or at least your stomachs will be!
I miss you guys so much. Take care. Good luck with the light saber. I love the blog already. -Stef
Ladies, I am so glad that you survived drinking water from the lake that I, along with my triathlete friends, daily swim, sweat and spit in. That light saber is magic if it can purify the filth we leave in our wake! But as good as the saber is, I humbly suggest that you not drink Ster-Penned H2O from the Ganges and comparable bodies of water. Have a great trip and stay hydrated. Looking forward to more posts on the blog. xoxo
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