Wednesday, May 13, 2009

part two: homeward bound and pictures


the dang picture uploader is not working, surprise surprise! so here are some links to some albums i made on the facebook that should work for everyone, even if we are not friends on, or you do now have, facebook:

i think there should be descriptions of the albums and also of the pictures. there should be three albums there, and a total of about 150 pics. someone please email me if they don't work and i'll see what i can do. in other news, i leave for spain tomorrow. in other OTHER news, i  have a ticket back to the us.  i fly from london to nyc on june 4th, 2009. WOW. it feels weird and crazy and odd and good and bad. so the end is in sight, but the adventure is not over. and won't be over, even when i hit terra firma in north america. a different adventure, one that hopefully involves the deep south and far west texas. as for now, i have three weeks to spend in europe. i hope to spend time in barcelona, madrid, paris, berlin, and london. anyone have any leads in those places? i am excited to run around europe for the next few weeks and am also excited to be heading back to the states. tomorrow marks the 7th month of our travels and they have been good good good to me. i hope  you all like the pictures, and grandmas, please excuse any inappropriate comments in the albums should there be any. i'm off to pack the backpack! 

ciao, israel!!
katy jane